Optimal hearing and vision are important to a child's long term development, school achievements and health outcomes
Studies show that even a mild hearing loss or vision impairment can have a devastating impact on a child's ability to learn, as well as on their psycho social development and their sense of connectedness to their community. Our Screening Clinics are designed to help early detection of possible issues. We do not perform any diagnostic testing, we simply refer a child who does not pass the screening to a family physician or optometrist.
A hearing screening is a quick test with a pass or fail result. If the child fails, the child will need more in-depth hearing testing. Follow up with your family physician who may refer the child to someone trained to do a complete hearing test, like an audiologist or ENT.
Vision screenings are defined as visual acuity screenings that are performed by non-eye care professionals. The primary purpose of vision screenings is to identify early signs of visual impairment in order to implement treatment. If a vision screening is failed, the child should see an Optometrist for a complete comprehensive eye examination
Consists of
Audiometric Pure Tone Screening - Pure Tone is screened using Pure tone audiometry (PTA) which is the key hearing test used to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual. This screening is able to determine the degree, type and configuration of hearing loss thus providing a basis for diagnosis and management.
Middle Ear Function: - is screened using a tympanometer that looks like an otoscope or similar to an ear thermometer. However, it delivers sound waves while a vacuum creates both positive and negative pressures within the ear canal. The returned energy creates a waveform that a physician can use to evaluate for disorders of the middle ear.
Distance Vision
Eye Muscle Balance
Color Vision for boys ages 6 and older
Result form goes home with child
The clinic is for all Grades - Jr Kindergarten to Grade 8.
Any student attending your school can participate as long as;
Child must be 3 years of age
Parents/guardians must sign this permission form.
Fee of $20.00 payable in cash or cheque to School Screening Association Inc.
Child qualifies for FREE screening
Hearing Screening will not be conducted on children wearing hearing aids or who have visible discharge from one or both ears.
Vision Screening will not be conducted on children with prescribed glasses, contacts and/or an eye patch
Children who have had Ear or Eye surgery should not participate.
If your child is absent, unable to participate or the form is not submitted in time - your monies will be returned to you

The clinic screening guidelines have been established by our advisory panel which consists of;
An Optometrist
An Audiologist
A Family Physician
Technicians are not Audiologists or Optometrists. They are trained by our Audiologist and Optometrist.