Optimal hearing and vision are important to a child's long term development, school achievements and health outcomes
Working together for our children
School Screening Association was created in 2004 to provide a much needed service to our children. Audiology was removed from our Health Care Coverage, which has left us with a generation of children that have not had their hearing screened unless they have been referred to an E.N.T., or visited an Audiologist at their own expense.
We are a Not for Profit Organization committed to Hearing Heathcare Awareness through hearing screening clinics at the schools.
Vision Screening
Although an annual comprehensive eye examination for children up to the age of 19 is covered by the Ministry of Health (OHIP), we also offer vision screening as part of our school clinics at no cost. Our statistics show that 47% of the children we screen are referred to an optometrist with potential vision concerns.
When my daughter was in JK, she got her hearing screened through this program and we received the immediate feedback that she "failed" part of the process. Because she was so young and I didn't have other concerns with her hearing, I decided to wait it out. Once in SK, she again had the screening and again failed part of the process. I recognized that I needed to take action as this wasn't something she was going to "grow out of". I met with my family doctor who inturn suggested I take her for more thorough testing. The results were amazing as I realized that her hearing, and overall ear functioning, was connected to so many other things ( snoring, sleep apnea, bedwetting, etc.). We met with an ENT and had a tonsellectomy, adenoidectomy and put ear tubes in. As a direct result of this hearing screening process, not only is my daughter hearing better, her reading has improved and she is sleeping better. She has also stopped wetting the bed at night as a result of healthier sleep patterns. I am truly grateful for the in-school screening process as it opened my eyes to so many other things effecting my daughter.